I found these adorable babes in an old antique orchard adjacent to a property I've visited quite a few times. The owner wasn't home at the time so I resisted poking around too much, but grabbed a couple of these from their road-side tree and thought I'd post a writeup about them since they're so delicious and delicate. Naturally, I posted a note to the owner to ask if he'd be interested in joining the program. I certainly hope so!
Tree Type: Apple, dessert/saucing/cider
Harvesting Date: Early October
Location: Whitmore Lake, MI (FRMA)
Approximate Tree Age: 40-50 years
Tree Status: Antique orchard
Possible Tree Varieties: Unsure
Fruit size: Medium
Shape: Oblate
Fruit color: Light golden yellow, almost pearl-like
Skin: Thick and snappy
Flesh: White
Additional notes on appearance: These apples bruise incredibly easily and are as fragile as their taste is delicate. I almost wanted to cradle them in my arms as I walked back to my car after picking them.
Taste: Sweet and spritely, with notes of champagne, summer florals and a hint of green grass. Nice balanced tannins.
Texture: Incredibly juicy, with medium-fine flesh grain
Texture: Incredibly juicy, with medium-fine flesh grain
Additional notes on taste: Biting into this apple was like biting into a sweetened, hard cider. It has a dry finish and is a wonderfully complex experience!
You can see from the photos that they damage easily, still their taste is totally worth wrapping these babes in paper to bring home or to market.
You can see from the photos that they damage easily, still their taste is totally worth wrapping these babes in paper to bring home or to market.
Disease/Pest notes: Sooty apple spot and fly specking with some canker on the trees. There are several apple trees on this property and it is highly shaded so it doesn't surprise me.